Our silicone stoppers are designed to stand up against extreme temperatures as well as prolonged exposure to harsh chemicals. They’re perfect for sealing up test tubes, beakers, and any container that requires a tighter seal.

SKU: 19816 Categories: ,


Catalog No. Cork Number om Top Height
(in MM) (in MM) (in MM)
±.2mm ±.2mm ±.2mm
19816/1 5 5
19816/2 8 8 10.5 20
19816/3 9 9 11.5 20
19816/4 10 10 12.5 20
19816/5 11 11 14 24
19816/6 13 13 16 24
19816/7 15 15 18 24
19816/8 17 17 20.5 26
19816/9 18 18 21 26
19816/10 19 19 22.5 28
19816/11 21 21 24.5 28
19816/12 23 23 26.5 28
19816/13 25 25 28.5 28
19816/14 27 27 31 32
19816/15 29 29 31 32
19816/16 31 31 36 35
19816/17 33 33 38.5 38.5
19816/18 35 35 45.5 36.5
19816/19 38 38 42.5 40.5
19816/20 40 40 49.5 40.5


Silicone Rubber Corks are small tapered plugs made from high-quality silicone rubber that is used to seal laboratory glassware, such as test tubes, flasks, and bottles. They are designed to fit snugly into the opening of the glassware, creating a tight seal that prevents the entry or escape of gases or liquids.

Silicone rubber is a flexible and durable material that can withstand repeated use and exposure to various chemicals and temperatures. It is highly resistant to a wide range of chemicals, making it ideal for use with various laboratory reagents and solvents. It is also highly temperature-resistant, with a working temperature range of -50°C to +200°C, and can withstand repeated sterilization cycles without compromising its performance.

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