Service Oscillator AF RF Oscillator is an electronic test instrument used to generate a stable signal at a specific frequency for testing and calibration of radio equipment. It is also known as an audio frequency (AF) and radio frequency (RF) oscillator, as it can generate signals at both audio and radio frequencies.
The service oscillator consists of an oscillator circuit that generates a stable signal at a specific frequency, and an output amplifier that amplifies the signal to the required level. The oscillator circuit can be adjusted to generate signals at different frequencies, and the output amplifier can be adjusted to provide different levels of output power.
Service oscillators are commonly used in the maintenance and repair of radio equipment, such as radios, televisions, and other electronic devices. They are used to check the frequency response of circuits, align the tuning circuits of radios, and test the sensitivity and selectivity of radio receivers.
AF oscillators are used to generate signals at audio frequencies, typically in the range of 20 Hz to 20 kHz, while RF oscillators are used to generate signals at radio frequencies, typically in the range of 10 kHz to several hundred megahertz.