Pin-hole Camera

An inverted image is formed in a pinhole camera because the light rays coming from the top and bottom of the object intersect at the pinhole. The smaller the hole, the sharper the image up to a certain point, but the projected image is dimmer. The human eye in bright light is similar to a pinhole camera.

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A wooden pin-hole camera is a simple camera that uses a tiny pinhole instead of a lens to capture an image on light-sensitive film or paper. The camera is typically made of wood and has a light-tight box with a small hole in one end and a film or paper holder at the other end.

To use a wooden pinhole cameras, the user loads the camera with film or paper and then finds a subject to photograph. The camera is placed on a tripod or other stable surface and pointed at the subject. Because the pinhole is so small, the camera must be exposed to light for a longer period of time than a traditional camera to capture a properly exposed image.

When the exposure is complete, the film or paper is removed from the camera and developed in a darkroom or with specialized chemicals. The resulting image will be a black and white, reversed image of the subject, with a characteristic soft focus and vignetting around the edges.

Wooden pinhole cameras are often used by photographers as a creative tool to produce unique and artistic images. They are also used in education to teach the principles of optics and photography. Overall, a wooden pinhole camera is a simple, fun and educational way to explore the world of photography.

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