Ascaris Dissection (Male & Female)

Dissected model of Ascaris, enlarged, showing all-important internal organs of male and female Ascaris in detail. Mounted on a base with numbered Key Card.

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Ascaris Dissection (Male & Female) worms involves examining their reproductive systems and other anatomical features. 
External anatomy
  • Ascaris worms are sexually dimorphic, meaning that males and females have different body sizes, shapes, and colors. 
  • Male Ascaris worms are shorter and have a smaller diameter than females. 
  • The tail end of the male Ascaris is curved ventrally, while the tail end of the female Ascaris is pointed. 
Internal anatomy
  • The reproductive systems of male and female Ascaris worms are long and extended. 
  • The male reproductive system includes the testis, seminal vesicle, and vas deferens. 
  • The female reproductive system includes the ovary, oviduct, uterus, and seminal receptacle. 
Dissection procedure
  • To dissect an Ascaris worm, position it in a dissecting pan of water with its ventral side down. 
  • Rotate males slightly to accommodate the curl of their tail. 
  • Identify the different regions of the male and female reproductive tracts. 
  • Isolate tissue samples from the reproductive tracts. 
  • Freeze the tissue samples on dry ice and transport them to a laboratory. 

  • Store the tissue samples at −80 °C prior to RNA extraction.
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