3D Model Of Dodecahedron

Catalogue No. – 19261
Made of medium density fiber board 12 Pentagonal faces. [table “19261” not found /]


A 3D Model of Dodecahedron is a physical representation of the geometrical shape known as a dodecahedron. A dodecahedron is a polyhedron with 12 pentagonal faces and 20 vertices.

The 3D Model of Dodecahedron is typically made of plastic or other durable materials and is designed to be used as a teaching aid in mathematics or science education. It is used to help students understand and visualize the three-dimensional shape of a dodecahedron, as well as to learn about its properties and characteristics.

The model can be handled, manipulated, and examined by students, allowing them to gain a deeper understanding of the shape and its features. It can also be used in combination with other models or tools, such as geometric solids or nets, to reinforce learning and build a comprehensive understanding of geometrical concepts.

The 3D Model of Dodecahedron is a useful tool for teachers, students, and parents, providing a visual and interactive way to learn about geometric shapes and related concepts. It is an effective tool for building mathematical and scientific skills and confidence and can help to make learning more enjoyable and engaging.

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