Theodolite Model

An Educational Model of the optical instrument ‘Theodolite’ used to measure both Horizontal and Vertical Angles.


Theodolite Model

The Lab Theodolite Model is an educational tool designed to help students learn and understand the principles of surveying and mapping. The kit includes a miniature model of a theodolite, a surveying instrument used to measure angles and distances between points.

The model is made of high-quality materials and is designed to be accurate and easy to use. The Theodolite Model includes a booklet with exercises and solutions to help students learn how to use the instrument to measure angles and distances, and how to create accurate maps and surveys.

The Theodolite Model is an interactive and engaging way to teach surveying and mapping concepts, and it helps students develop important math, spatial reasoning, and problem-solving skills. It is a useful tool for students, teachers, and anyone who wants to improve their understanding of surveying and mapping.

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