Silicone Rubber Cork

Silicone Rubber Cork: For Filtration Flasks

SKU: 19814 Categories: ,


Catalog No. Size
19814/1 Small
19814/2 Big


Silicone rubber cork is a small, tapered plug made of high-quality silicone rubber that is used to seal laboratory glassware, such as test tubes, flasks, and bottles. It is designed to fit snugly into the opening of the glassware, creating a tight seal that prevents the entry or escape of gases or liquids.

Silicone rubber is a flexible and durable material that can withstand repeated use and exposure to various chemicals and temperatures. It is highly resistant to a wide range of chemicals, making it ideal for use with various laboratory reagents and solvents. It is also highly temperature-resistant, with a working temperature range of -50°C to +200°C, and can withstand repeated sterilization cycles without compromising its performance.

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