Aepinus Condenser

Catalogue No. – 16505

It has two Circular Plates, Carried on a pair of insulated Pillar. A gap is adjustable. Mostly used in laboratories. Know more.

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An Aepinus condenser, also known as a Leyden jar, is a laboratory apparatus used to store electrical charge. It consists of a glass or plastic jar filled with an insulating material such as wax or resin, with a metal foil coating on both the inside and outside surfaces. A metal rod or wire, known as the inner conductor, is inserted through the lid of the jar and extends into the insulating material.

To charge the Aepinus condenser, a voltage source such as an electrostatic generator is connected to the inner conductor, which causes a buildup of electric charge on the inner foil. The charge is stored in the jar until it is discharged by connecting the outer foil to ground or another conducting object.

Aepinus condensers are commonly used in laboratory settings to store electrical charge and to demonstrate the principles of capacitance and electric charge. They are also used in research to study the properties and behavior of electric charges and electromagnetic fields.

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